Natto (fermented soybeans) is not popular for foreigners for its horrible smell, but it is a kind of super food especially if you are a vegetarian or you are trying to minimize the consumption of animal meats. I am also not a big fan of Natto (unlike other Japanese people ;) but it turns out to be delicious (easy to eat) once it is fried with rice.
材料 Ingredients (for 1 person):
- 納豆(1パック)a pack of Natto (accompanies by a sauce) (50g)
- 舞茸 一握り →粗みじん切り a handful of mushrooms (finely chopped)
- ネギ 6~7cm →粗みじん切り 6~7 centimeter leek (finely chopped)
- ★白だし 小匙1 a tablespoon of liquid dashi
- ★酒 大匙2 two tablespoon of sake
- ★みりん 大匙1 a tablespoon of mirin
- 白いりごま 大匙1 a tablespoon of white sesame seeds
- 鰹節 1袋 a pack of dried bonito (2.5g)
- ごはん 1膳 →温めておく warm baked white rice
- 植物油 vegetable oil
手順 Directions:
- 🌸印の調味料は事前に合わせておく。Mix the starred ingredients beforehand.
- フライパンに植物油をたっぷり目にひき、ネギを炒める。Put oil in the pan and fry finely chopped leek.
- 舞茸を追加して炒めたら、ご飯を投入。Add mushrooms, then rice and fry.
- ぱらぱらとほぐれたら、納豆投入。Add Natto beans.
- 合わせておいた🌸の調味料を入れて、味をなじませる。Add (starred) mixed ingredients and stir fry.
- 白いりごまと鰹節を加え、まんべんなく炒め、出来上がり~ Flavor sesame and bonito.
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